Centralia Business Professional Women (BPW) member, Mary K. Jones was awarded the Outstanding Working Woman of Illinois Award (OWWI) at the Illinois Federation of Business Women’s Club, Inc. (IFBWC) Convention.
Mary was awarded the prestigious honor by Chairman Sylvia Mahle for outstanding career and volunteerism.
A Licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer and Certified Crematory Operator and employee of Macz Funeral Home, Mary also promotes Centralia as a Tourism Commissioner. Mary is an active member of the BPW and has promoted and worked on many of the organization’s activities.
She has received other honors including Masonic Lodge Student of the Year, a Career Development Scholarship from the National Funeral Directors’ Association and a nomination for the Jaycees Outstanding Young Person of Illinois Award 2024. Mary is a resident of Centralia, married to Gregory Jones and is the daughter of Russ and Ginger Davis.
16 members of the Centralia BPW attended the convention, which was held at the Thelma Keller Convention Center in Effingham on April 26.
Members were given a printed detailed report for review prior to the opening of the business portion of the convention. Those who could not attend in person were given the opportunity to join via ZOOM.
State President Natalie Shook welcomed the attendees and opened the convention with the recitation of the Collect written by Mary Stewart in 1904 and the Pledge of Allegiance by all in attendance. She then introduced the current slate of officers and committee chairs. Past state presidents in attendance were then introduced citing the year they held the office.
The business portion of the convention was then conducted with review of reports of officers and committee chairs. A report from the state dissolution committee was then presented. An honored tradition is the recognition of members who have died in the business year.
This year’s convention was the 102nd of the IFBWC.
Business Professional Women
Centralia Business and Professional Women, Inc. – Be the Inspiration (centraliabpw.org)