The Centralia Business Professional Women (BPW) installed six new officers on Wednesday, May 8 during an event at Colonial Golf Course.
Member Stephanie Aarons-Dennison (Centralia High School), who recently received one of the Illinois Jaycees honors of The Outstanding Young People of Illinois award, was introduced. Stephanie has been an active member of the Centralia BPW since 2018 and is the current corresponding secretary and chair of the Bylaws committee.
Member Mary K. Jones, member since 2016, was awarded the Outstanding Working Woman of Illinois Award (OWWI) for her outstanding as a Licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer and a Certified Crematory Operator and is employed by Macz Funeral Home.
Membership chair, Karen Walsh had the honor of recognizing the following members for their years of dedicated service to the organization. 10 years-Karen Piotrowski (Near North Title); 25 years-Brenda White; 30 years-Sharon Sanders; 35 years-Connie Schwartz and Myra Owens.
Prior to the installation of new officers, as a token of appreciation, President Stephanie House was given a much-deserved spa day gift certificate and an engraved casserole dish thanking her for a job well done. Members of the 2023-2024 board and committee chairs were thanked by President House for their service to the club.
Installation of the 2024-2025 officers was conducted by installing officer Lorraine Bassett. The slate of officers is: President-Becca Deomes (Hair by Becca Day); President Elect-Patty Brough; Recording Secretary-Ellie McClelland (Ellie’s Place); Corresponding Secretary-Stephanie Aarons-Dennison; Treasurer-Dawn Cleary; Parliamentarian-Melodie Ainslie.
Newly elected President Deomes then presented each member with a baby bottle to introduce her theme for the year, No Crying in Business.
Centralia BPW is the local organization of IFWBC (Illinois Federation of Women’s Business Clubs), a state-wide organization that strives to make a difference in the lives of working women in Illinois.
Centralia Business Professional Women
Centralia Business and Professional Women, Inc. – Be the Inspiration (centraliabpw.org)