The Centralia Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 100th Anniversary Thursday, February 8 at the Centralia American Legion with its Annual Banquet.
With dinner provided by Cygan and Delaney Catering, the banquet included three presentations on the Past, Present and Future of Centralia. Keynote speaker Tom Hawkins spoke on Centralia’s present, while assistant chamber director Matthew Packman offered a snapshot of the community’s past and city manager Kory Smith discussed the future.
Kaskaskia College received the chamber’s Legacy Award, which honors decades of strong community service and outreach.
The City of Centralia received the chamber’s Partners in Progress Award, as did FabCoat.
McDonald’s was honored for 50 years of service, as was Tate’s Truck and Toter Service for 25 years in business. The chamber itself was acknowledged for its milestone 100th anniversary with a proclamation from Illinois State Representative Blaine Wilhour.
Outgoing board president Emily Haake, as well as outgoing board members Monica French and Travis Etheridge, were also awarded for their six years of service to the chamber.