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Quarter Auction to Benefit Relay for Life "Big D" Team at Centralia Moose

  • Centralia Illinois Moose Lodge (map)

Quarter Auction at Centralia Moose Lodge

Food and beverages for purchase from Moose

Doors open at noon

auction begins at 1pm

$30 for an all-inclusive paddle

$10 plus quarters to be specified for a non-inclusive paddle

A few of many of the items that will be Auctioned:

>Centralia Best Western - one night hotel stay for a family of four

>Effingham Performance Center -2 tickets to A tribute to the Trans Siberian Orchestra-Holiday Rock

>Championship BLUES Lap Quilt

>6 ft pre-lit Artificial Christmas Tree and tree skirt

>Tammy's favorite cheesecake

>Straiths $50 gift card

December 7

Kaskaskia College Foundation Winter Gala

December 10

US Census Onsite Recruitment at KC Crisp Center